
It's always best to plan ahead . . .

Ahh, the joys of email. I do think it is helping to raise the quality of communication between Thing 1 and I. Here's the latest:

I was wondering if the next time we go on a plane, I could lead the family through the security and everything. I want to do this because over the summer Jack is going to go to Nana and Papa's house for a baptism treat. After he stays for a week or two, how is he going to get home? I want to be able to fly over by myself, and pick him up. Then we could fly together home. It won't be like last time when it was all confusing (when we couldn't figure out how to get me home). I could just fly out and stay for a while, then we could fly back home. I know it's not going to happen for a few months, but it's always best to plan ahead. I'll just have to wait and see what you think, and what Nana and Papa think.


I do think she may have a future in negotiation.